There has been a lot going on in our day to day life. As you all know Teddy is getting closer to his surgery date. It's only 2 weeks away, we have now started breating treatments everyday to keep his lungs clear of junk. With the weather being so inconsistent we are having ashthma troubles....Keeping our fingers and toes crossed we can get his lungs all clear before May 5th. Teddy seems to be taking to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles these days....his favorite Turtle being Michaelangelo. He has been running around the house saying "Turtle powper". He is really funny, he takes two little tennis rackets, and sticks them down into his diaper pretending he is a turtle......He is a total crack up, and we get a lot of pleasure watching the wheels of imagination constantly turning.
On a positive note, Emma has decided to throw a "Road to Recovery" party for her brother. We have lots of family and friends coming out to wish Teddy well. She is becoming a second mommy to her brother. Telling him everything is going to be okay, and holding his hand through his breathing treaments. It is really a comfort to know that they are best friends, and lean on each other for support. They are truly amazing children, and she is one amazing big sister!
As April is coming closer to an end, we are looking forward to the month of May....There are so many positive things coming our way!