Monday, October 20, 2008


Emma my curious 2 1/2 year old asks me today "What happens to you when you go to heaven?". For you to understand where that is coming from, I have to do a little bit of explaining. My uncle passed away today after a long battle with cancer. The right words were just not coming to me. So, then I ask her....well "what do you think happens when you go to heaven?" She proceeds to say...."You feel better there, and get to eat lollipops all day." Very impressive, considering this is really the first death in the family close to her. It was so hard to try and explain this her, because you want to answer their questions, but you don't want to scare them in the process.

This was just one of the moments in parenting when you wish the child came with a manuel. Happily she likes the idea of going somewhere and eating lollipops all day. It is just so funny how curious kids can be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love when they make the question easy to answer. I always wonder what Adam thinks of heaven. He has heard us talking about it and understands that Tiffy will go there someday.