Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snowy Days, How They Have Changed

So once again the area is having snow dumped on it, which means no school for the kids, and lots of togetherness (hopefully my children survive it). As I was watching the snowfall, vivid memories of past snow days came fluttering back.

I can remember being so excited when that first snow flake fell from the clouds. Then every child in Chester County would watch WCOJ on channel 7, and anxiously await Art Douglas say your school would be closed! I can remember being so excited when he said "Coatesville Area School District, closed".

As adults it's funny how it has all changed. WCOJ is a thing of the past, and so is Art Douglas' voice. We don't look forward to the snow as we once did. I know today I found myself grumbling like my parents used to when school would be cancelled.

Ah, how things change when you grow up. As children we used to play in the snow, and as adults we are now the ones shoveling it. We are the ones having to put the millions and millions of layers on our kids to go outside to play, and are the ones that are frustrated when after all the work it took to get them dressed, they decide to come in after being outside only five minutes.

Even though having another storm is very frustrating, and pretty annoying, our children are making their own memories now. Will one day look back at 2010 and the endless winter with many memories of snowforts and friends!

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