Friday, September 12, 2008

Emma's First Week of Pre-School!

Tuesday was Emma's first day of Pre-School. She was a little nervous but did okay. She went in and sat down, and began to play. However, Teddy had a huge problem with us leaving Emma behind! He cried outside the door of the classroom saying "Emma back". I felt bad for the little guy! Emma looked so darn cute when dropped her off, she picked out all of her clothes, and she had her Hannah Montana book bag in toe. She did great, until it was time to go to Lunch Bunch......I was given a call to come in and get her early because she began to cry, and was not eating her lunch!

Yesterday was her second day it went much smoother. No phone calls to pick her up. Emma even went potty for the teacher. ! I was so proud of her.

There has been no time this week to absorb that my baby has started school! Eventually, I know that it will sink in......and I know that I am a little sad because I miss having her around.....She will do great! I know it! Congratulations Emma on your first week....Daddy and Mommy are so PROUD of you!

1 comment:

DembroskyFamily said...

Cute pictures, I love the pigtales.